domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

More workshops (5)

TÍTULO DEL PROYECTO: La planificación de secuencias didácticas desde un enfoque plurilingüe  e intercultural.
FORMATO DE CAPACITACIÓN: Curso 5 de  encuentros
LOCALIZACIÓN: Provincia de Buenos Aires
MODALIDAD: Presencial
AREA: Lengua Extranjera (Inglés) 
Fecha: Junio  2014 

First meeting

In the first class, the teacher, Dabove Claudia, decided to start with a personal presentation about us, about our experience in the classroom. She wanted to know in which levels we have worked. Then she asked if we had the experience of working in a course where there was a child or group of children who came from another country. Then, she asked us how would we act if we meet students with this characteristic in a course, and the partners gave their opinions about it.
She told that we should use defined boundaries as discerned in classroom talk. This can involve different kinds of words (e.g. in register), different ways of speaking, turn-taking habits and sometimes all the above repertoires will include multiple languages as well. As teachers we have to recognize the distinct communicative repertoires in our classrooms and to explore them.
Then the teacher talked about a dynamic systems Theory and said that a dynamic systems theory approach to L2 acquisition recognizes the crucial role of the interaction of multiple environmental and individual variables at different levels of communication (word, sentence, discourse) and in different languages.  After her introduction to the theme, she asked us to make an activity.
Think of one or some of your classes. What communicative repertoires can you identify? Do these repertoires enhance or hinder the development of the classes?

Second meeting

We analyzed the activity that we did the last class and we worked with unit 4 in cuaderno de trabajo para 1º año de secundaria.  It is one of the materials that one can find in the public secondary’s schools or it can be found it in the web
The teacher assigned us the following questions about this unit.( the unit fixes English and Spanish words)
  1. What languages are present in this unit?
  2. What is the purpose of the text in Spanish on page 22?
  3. How would you use this text with your class (es)?
  4. How can you make the transition between this text in Spanish to the following text in English (interview)?
  5. What scaffolding strategies can you use for task 4? 
  6. And for task 5?

Then, each group had to discuss question 1 and 2 as a class, explain the answers to questions 3 and 4 and finally discuss the answers to questions 5 and 6 as a class.

Third meeting

The teacher began talking about translanguaging which present the following characteristics; the students are allowed to use their linguistic repertoire to make meaning in the classroom, teachers are dynamic bilingual educators who are adding to the linguistic repertoire that students bring into the classroom while working towards content mastery and teachers across the continuum of bilingualism provide home language as scaffolding when appropriate in adding to students linguistic repertoires and facilitating content mastery. Then, she gave some examples of translanguaging activities and non-translanguaging ones. After that she asked us to make in groups a card with translanguaging and non-translanguaging activities.  

Fourth meeting

In this meeting the teacher introduced a new concept dynamic bilingualism which suggest that the language practices of all bilinguals are complex and interrelated; they do not emerge in a linear way. Then, she gave us a short reading about it and in group we had to complete a graphic organizer. We had an example using the term affective filter.

We worked with others short readings about dynamic bilingualism, linguistic interdependence, translanguaging and the term transfer.

Fifth meeting

In this class, we did a sequence using the cuaderno de trabajo para 1º año de secundaria. We had to choice a unit and prepare a sequence making  use of translanguaging activities for a class.

1 comentario:

  1. che ingrid.. el certificado tiene datos personales que yo no publicaría.
